Forums Ask for advice Spray tan – any tips for newbie?
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    • #455
      9 Posts

      Booked in for my first spray tan on Thursday. Its in a Versaspa Pro tanning booth. Any tips on getting a nice even light tan? I am so worried I am going to end up like I’ve been tangoed!

    • #456
      15 Posts

      Exfoliate and moisturise well first – but don’t moisturise immediately before or the cream will act as a barrier. Give it a good 3-4 hours in between. Focus on knees ankles and elbows when exfoliating as it will make dry skin much darker than normal bits. They may give you a cream to put on these bits as a barrier but not all do.

      Don’t panic if you look like you’ve been dipped in gravy browning a few hours after the tan. You will go very dark but most of it will wash off. Stick it out at least overnight, panicking and washing it off early can leave it streaky.

      It will come off on your clothes so wear old, dark, loose fitted clothing after your appointment. You might want to put old sheets on the bed too.

      Go straight home after your appointment, don’t go for a wander around the shops, bump into an old friend and wonder why they’re looking at you like you’re really weird. I only realised when I got back to the car and looked in the rear view mirror

      Oh and make sure you know whether you need to stand still or turn around half way through. The booth should have instructions but ask if in doubt. Don’t do a Ross!

    • #457
      11 Posts

      This is timely I have a wedding at the weekend and am wearing a dress. My legs do not remotely see the sun and my arms are a deep tan. I bought some self tan (I googled the darkest colour available) and it barely shows so I think I’m going to have to find a spray tan before Friday!

      • #459
        9 Posts

        @bella This is why I am doing this too! I have a wedding on Sunday! And I am wearing a dress too! First dress in about 17 years! Tights just won’t do it. EEK. I figured if I look too dark I have a couple of days to scrub lol.

        Thanks for the tips folks. Its a booth as I point blank refuse for anyone to see me in my knicks!

    • #458
      3 Posts

      I have had the spray tans done by a person you can say if you want it extra dark or just a light spraying, it will look much darker than the finished effect so don’t panic the St Tropez one makes you look like you have been dipped in mud not a good look!

    • #460
      14 Posts

      You dont need to go to a spray tan booth. St Tropez do a nice one, its a shower cream. You just wet your skin, shower as normal, wash off soap, then apply cream well. Leave three mins and wash off. Its on order off the internet. Really good stuff. I ran out and forgot to re-order. I used to use Tesco’s St Moritz also but found the St Tropez was better but more expensive.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Emma.
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