Forums General chat Feel like an idiot
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    • #319
      9 Posts

      Ok, this is a tough one for me, but I really need to get this out. My son and gf split up when their baby was six weeks old. She refused to let my son see him, and blocked the whole family on social media etc. My son consulted a solicitor, but these things take time.
      Two weeks after they split, my son was sentenced to 7months in prison. Right after he went into custody, his ex contacted my daughter and arranged to meet her with my grandson. The week after, I got to see him, and babysat while she went out for lunch with my daughter. Since then, we have had regular contact, and she agreed to let me take the baby to visit his dad. At the last minute she cancelled. She then arranged to meet us for lunch this week, and contacted my daughter on Tuesday to arrange times. On Thursday morning we find she’s blocked us all again, no call, nothing.
      Apparently she had been told last week that my son may get an early release, this week.
      I feel like she has played us all, and has done this to hurt my son. He said all along that she would stop contact as soon as he was released. Looks like he was right.
      My daughter is so upset, she feels like an idiot for believing that things were progressing, and she had been trying so hard to build bridges.
      So I had to go and tell my son tonight that not only was his tag not approved, we now are back to square one and it looks like he will have to take her to court to see his son. The baby is now 6 Month’s old, he doesn’t deserve to be used like this. I can’t believe that anyone can be so callous, calculating and cruel.
      There’s nothing we can do, but wait. Until a court decides, my grandson has no contact with any of his dads family. Not one of us has done anything but love this wee boy, its so unfair.

    • #320
      3 Posts

      You are not an idiot and neither is your daughter. You have continually tried to do the best for the young family. Unfortunately, the gf’s family have done exactly the opposite. There is very little that you can do about it but your son will be able to go to court and, hopefully, get access to his child. You are absolutely right – the baby does not deserve to be used as a pawn in that family’s game.

    • #321
      18 Posts

      The mother of the baby seems to have taken her stance and behaviors from her own family
      Is your son named on the birth certificate, as it may well make it easier for him to gain contact with his son on his release? It may be that he has to see his child in a contact centre to begin with, but it is unusual for the courts to not allow a parent any contact with their child, unless they are a proven risk to children, which I understand your son isn’t. I do hope you get to spend some time with your grandson

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