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I just wanted to say hi as caring is also affecting me too.
I have recently been diagnosed with depression due to my caring role and some days I have no idea how I am going to get through it.

Can I ask who you care for? A family member or friend? adult or child?

Do you have any support to help you?

As a carer, you are entitled to a break. If you haven’t done so already, contact your local Social Services and ask for a Carers Assessment as you are desperate for support.
There is certainly no shame or embarrassment asking for help, it’s taken me years to get my head around that and doesn’t mean you are failing in any way shape or form in your caring role.

I know you say that your GP referral to Mental Health services is a bit of a waste of time and I know that things seem a bit hopeless right now but try it. The number of times I’ve felt like that but have found some surprising benefits to things like this.
Maybe your GP could help you with your request to Social Services or council for respite or a break as it sounds like you are in need of a break.

In the meantime, could any family members or a trusted friend help out caring whilst you take time out?
Even if its to pop into town for a wander around the shops and a coffee for a breather. Also only a short time away, it does make some difference.

Hope some of that helps x