Forums Ask for advice B12 deficiency Reply To: B12 deficiency March 20, 2018 at 1:53 pm #374 scarysue 3 Posts I have the injections every 12 weeks. My reading was less than 100 which I’m lead to believe is extremely low. I can’t say i feel a huge difference after the injections. I had a loading dose initially every other day for two weeks. The jabs are little ******* (as I call them). The B12 is quite thick. The actual jab itself varies depending who does it – there is clearly a knack and I usually get a dull ache / dead arm feeling about 10 seconds afterwards which makes me want to shake my arm out, but it soon fades. I am always tired. Can sleep pretty much anywhere, any time and struggle to stay up past 9.30pm most nights. I also get pins and needles quite often, particularly when I first get out of bed in a morning. I probably need the jabs more often but can’t be doing with the fight. It was hard enough getting them every 12 weeks.