Forums Religion Life after death? Reply To: Life after death? December 28, 2017 at 4:17 pm #329 luke 10 Posts @dave I have always been a man of science. Science is to show us what is true and what not, or so many believe. Some people say that science shows that there is a god. That is plainly a lie. Some people say that science shows that there is no god. This is a lie also. Science does not show any of these things. If you look at the science of 200 years ago, what they believed to be facts and truths, most of those facts and truths have turned out to be false. New theories have come to replace the old ones. In current days a lot of people want to believe that we are really smart and know it all. But is this really true? In 200 years, most likely the people from that time will look at what we know now, and conclude that what we consider facts and truths to be mostly wrong, replaced by new facts and truths. What this shows me is that nobody can claim that there is nothing ‘out there’. Even a man of science has to conclude; we just dont know. That is why I personally try to keep an open mind, there are a lot of things out there, still to discover. My personal view on life and ‘life after death’: I have lost people close to me, some of them were very young. One thing that I do know, and which is of some comfort to me, is that I believe that these people live on, through us. Their memory, what they have shown you, what they have teached you, how they influenced how you are now. In this way your mother lives on, through you, and all of the people that she touched in her life. In the same way we, in time, will live on in the lives that we touch. That is why it is so important to live a good life and try to be as good as possible for the people around us. And although I am not a religious man, this is why I try to follow the main message from the bible: Love thy neighbour as thy self.