Forums Ask for advice Mental health affected by caring Reply To: Mental health affected by caring August 1, 2018 at 9:28 am #482 Londonbound 3 Posts Why the friend as well, in simple terms the friends health has got worse and so has the care, I think I posted about continuing health care, my friend clearly needs this but has been refused. Going from a friend who can cope perfectly well, overnight they become ill, end up in hospital, they come out of hospital should get loads of help/support etc, received nothing. And no help for the unpaid carer e.g me. What do we do, dump our friend we have known for years because they are ill? If I was looking after just my partner would things be better, would they? we all need friends. I would just be stuck in the house caring 24/7, isolated and lonely. Without friends carers become isolated. The problem here is I, my partner and my friend all need the right help and support, what we are getting is NHS and social care staff who just don’t care and understand. I should be receiving all sorts of support, I am dealing with mental health problems, physical health problems, finances, household, I am giving practical and emotional support and getting no unpaid carer support whatsoever.