Forums General chat NHS – will it survive? Reply To: NHS – will it survive? January 24, 2018 at 2:13 pm #314 katykaty 9 Posts The monetary system is broken, very seriously broken, but there is not a global visionary that can fix it @kaz You are absolutely right there. The damage is done with huge companies ruling the world and the disconnection of money from anything tangible, and I don’t see how it can be undone without the collapse of the western world. If I had kids like you do, I’d be very frightened for them. Short term-ism in politics is the other destructive force, with governments doing what they need to do to get re-elected, instead of what actually needs doing. I don’t hate Corbyn, Bruce, I admire his principles. I just don’t believe that his socialist vision for the country will work. I wish it would, but nobody can point me to a country operating the level of socialism that he would like to see with a population the size of ours which works effectively. We desperately need a center left Labor government as a viable opposition to the Tories. By the way, I absolutely love communism as an ideal. I just wish human nature inherited from our earliest ancestors would allow it to work. From each according to his ability. To each according to his needs. Now wouldn’t that be something worth having?