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When I started nursing at 18 even I could see no logic in selling off satellite hospital units where older patients were sent to recover, sell them off where do these people go,
which leads me on to management, too many chiefs not enough Indians, chiefs with no clinical experience , how can they make balanced decisions about patient care?
training, of course every ‘old’ nurse will say their training was the best way, but from week 8 of my training I was on the wards learning my trade, and earning a reasonable living, nurse training should be hands on you need carers who are able to report potential problems with their patients who they have direct contact with, learn on the job, be part of the staffing numbers, after three years I was capable of taking charge of a ward they day I received my ‘blue stripe’ on my paper hst ( so pleased when they ditched the caps, dreadful infection risk)
charge people for care from countries who have no reciprocal health care
publish costs for keeping patients in a bed, wasted unattended appointments, make people think how much is wasted
I really cant see how contracting in house services, catering, cleaning etc can be cheaper with companies like Carillion, lets see the historical figures, in house verses contracting out
Try and keep the drunks out of a and e over the weekend, more triage tents with staff able to give fluids outside of the hospital
Make social care easier for families, more help available to care for ailing elderly in extended family setting
treating conditions and quicker diagnosis would safe millions, can’t tell you how many times I have waited years for diagnostic scans which done sooner would have saved so much money and increased productivity in different spheres, by reducing sick time (this when employed by the NHS)
education of the public, and a change of attitude needed by the public to take responsibility for their health and well being ( living in cloud Cuckoo land here) eat better drink less alcohol
Alter staff working hours to allow more flexibility, 12 hr shifts are just too long, shorter shifts for people who can work them to cover the known busy times, especially in a and e

I could continue, but I was never listened to while I worked in the NHS why should things change now?