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Absolutely – that’s what they did with the railways too – foment union strife and service withdrawal and then privatisation looks like an attractive option

That isn’t my recollection at all. I don’t remember union dissent, I just remember filthy old trains running so late that I would always catch at least one train earlier than the meeting I was supposed to be at should have needed.

If you want to talk about union dissent on the railway, how about the current nonsense about trains with no guards? There are trains running all over the place with no guards, and DLR doesn’t even have any drivers.

We need a complete refresh in Wedstminster and we need the Tories out. I always voted Tory until Cameron and I am ashamed of that. I do not know how anyone with any degree of social conscience can vote for Conservative

When your alternative is a fiscally incontinent Momentum led Corbyn government, who will support unions striking over things like running trains with only a driver, there seems to be no viable alternative to keep the country running to produce the taxes to pay for my social conscience to be delivered.