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This is a subject very close to my heart, my career is within the NHS frontline.
I’ve been in it long enough to see a decline in how it copes. Crisis management is the norm now, every single day.
Politically I’ve gone from a staunch labour supporter, so a reluctant Tory. Though I’m disappointed with the current cabinet.
Politics and hidden agendas with unscrupulous back handed deals are at the core of this demise. It can be stopped, it can be rectified. But it will mean very tough decisions, and firm leadership.
The amount of wasted time and money is mind blowing, and sadly a lot of it is due to arrogance and nepotism at all levels.
Attitudes need to change, and the staff valued.
I’m wont be politically correct either, and few won’t like my next point, but those who come and abuse the system are part of the problem. Healthcare tourism is real, happening every day, and it costs us immensely. They should pay at point of use.
Abusive patients should be fined, and refused treatment ( obviously non-life threatening ).
Nurses should be salaried as students.
Their salaries should reflect their skills and experience.
There is a lot of waste in the nhs very often due to poor organizing and managing of situations.
I could go on all night, but I hear from my colleagues every day how they are not listened to, respected or valued by management.

I wonder if I could be the dictator in a totalitarian NHS state…………